Numerology Name Calculator

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study of numbers and their energetic influence on our lives. According to numerologists, numbers hold a deeper meaning beyond their numerical value, offering insights into unique characteristics, future events, and life purposes. This ancient system of belief is founded on the concept that all living things possess qualities based on their number vibrations.

Numerology Chart of all english alphabets

Numerology Number Chart that shows alphabet's crospending digits
A, I,Q, J, S,Y1
B, K,R2
E,H,N, X5
F ,P8

How can i calculate my numerology number?

There are mainly two methods for calculating your numerology name number:

If you want to calculate manually, you should first understand the following numerology components in detail with examples: Compound destiny number, Destiny number, Soul urge number, and Personality number.

While calculating your numerology numbers, we do not collect or store any of your information, so you don’t need to worry about your privacy.

What is Compound Destiny Number?

The compound destiny number is a compound number calculated by adding the corresponding numbers of each letter in your first name or full name.

How to calculate compound destiny number?

To calculate the compound destiny number, first add all the corresponding digits of the alphabets.

To calculate your Compound Destiny Number, follow these steps:

  1. Write down your first name or full name.
  2. Refer to the chart that include digits to each letter of the alphabet.
  3. For each letter in your name, find the corresponding digit from the chart and write it down.
  4. Add all the digits together.

For example, let’s say your name is “John Doe“:

process of calculating compound destiny number from name
  1. Write down the name: John Doe
  2. Assign digits to each letter based on the chart:

J = 1, O = 7, H = 5, N = 5, D = 4, O = 7, E = 5

Now, Add the digits together: 1 + 7 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 34

Your Compound Destiny Number is 34.

What is Destiny Number?

The Destiny Number, also known as the Life Path Number, is calculated by reducing the Compound Destiny Number to a single digit.

How to calculate destiny number?

Calculating destiny number is very easy let’s take same name “John Doe”:

Process of calculating destiny number from name

Now, put take a compound destiny number 34 and break it into single digit and add them.

Next, sum Single digits 3+4 =7

Therefore the final output single digit is 7 which is called destiny number.

What is Soul Urge Number?

The Soul Urge Number, also known as the Heart’s Desire Number, is calculated from the vowels in your birth name, summed up to single digit. Assign each vowel a corresponding number (A=1, E=5, I=9, O=7, U=3).

Table chart that shows Heart's Desire Number

Methods to calculate soul urge number

Let’s pick same name: John Doe

Now, From the given table find out the related alphabet’s corresponding digits.


From the table sum the digits of vowels, and reduce the total sum into single master number.

Now, Sum of number 7+7+5= 19

Next, reduce the number into single digits 1+9 =10

Again reduce to single digit 1+0 =1

Therefore, Heart desire number is 1.

Personality Number

The Personality Number is calculated from the consonants letter of your birth name. Assign each consonant a number (B=2, C=3, D=4, etc.).

Table chart that shows personality Number to calculate numerology

How to calculate personality number?

Let’s pick up same name: John Doe


Now, From the table add the digits of consonants letter, and reduce the total sum into single number.

Next, Sum of digits 1+5+5+4= 15

Reduce to a Single Digit: 1+5 =6

Therefore,6 is the personality number.

Question related to Numerology Name Calculator

What is a Numerology Name Calculator?

A Numerology Name Calculator is a tool that analyzes the letters in a person’s name to determine their numerological value and significance.

How does a Numerology Name Calculator work?

It converts each letter in a name to a corresponding number, then sums these numbers to reveal key numerological insights about the person.

What are the benefits of using a Numerology Name Calculator?

Benefits include gaining insights into personality traits, life path, compatibility with others, and potential challenges based on numerological analysis.

Can a Numerology Name Calculator predict the future?

No, it doesn’t predict the future. It provides insights and guidance based on numerological principles but cannot foresee specific future events.

How accurate is a Numerology Name Calculator?

Its accuracy varies; it can offer meaningful insights, but interpretations are subjective and should be taken as guidance rather than absolute truths.

How to find numerology name from date of birth?

To find a numerology name from a date of birth, sum the day, month, and year number into a single-digit number. If you want to calculate numerology name check out our free online tool, Number Calculator.